Sunday, 27 November 2011


Some of my work is now available to view on my SWPP page  ...

Feel free to check it out.

Direct link to Photos ...

Thursday, 17 November 2011

A steady hand needed - Jupiter shot hand-held

Had a really nice clear sky earlier, (just before the fog and cloud rolled in). Noticed Jupiter was looking nice and bright in the sky so tried a hand-held shot using a Canon EOS 7D with a 100-300 lens attached. Put the lense on manual focus and set it to infinity, whacked the zoom up to 300mm, set the camera at f5.6 and 1/60th sec at ISO 6400. Got this result, (heavily cropped) ... Will try same shot another night on a tripod and compare the results!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Three Photos, Three seasons ... One day = Crazy Climate

I went to get into the car this morning and noticed that next spring's crocuses have started to show, (very early). It struck me that my garden is now showing THREE seasons all at the same time. I still have SUMMER tomatoes ripening on the vine, quite happy in the garden with no protection. I also have some of the trees showing their AUTUMN colours and now next years SPRING bulbs have started to show!

We are well into November now and still not had a frost here - In fact, it was mild enough for me to sit out in the garden, (in shirt-sleeves/no jumper or coat) with a coffee and read the newspaper.

Pictures below ...

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Follow-up visit to one of our local youth clubs ...

Arranged to go back to the youth club I took pics at last week, just to re-take a couple I wasn't entirely happy with ... Got there to find them in the middle of a pyjama and face painting party! Oh well - Didn't quite get the pics I wanted, but these were OK :-)

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Why don't I get any traffic on my blog unless I post a link?

I'm still new to blogging and am wondering why I don't get that much traffic. Saw an interesting post from someone I follow on Twitter who suddenly got loads of 'hits' because it contained the word 'NUDE'! Is that really how it works? All I'm trying to do is share a few thoughts and photographs, (none of them are nude or nudes), neither do they contain anything about sex - Sorry to disappoint.

All/most of my posts are simply about what I have done 'today'

Will not advertise this blog (for an hour) and see how it goes!!! ;-)

Yeah - It's an experiment.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Corby Fireworks 2011 - Spectacular

While most of Corby's residents had to trek across to the Lakes to watch the annual Corby fireworks, all I had to do was open my front door! Very lucky here, being in an elevated position overlooking the town and about a mile away from where they were being launched. I just set up the camera on the front path and snapped away ... Most of the pictures were taken at f11 with a 10 second exposure, (a couple were f11 at 15 seconds). During one of the exposures, I accidentally kicked the bottom of the tripod - Can you see which one? Is taking pictures of fireworks the ONLY long exposure photography where kicking the tripod brings out a decent result? :-)

Anyway ... Here are some of the shots, (more can be found on my facebook profile).

Networking at one of our local youth clubs

I popped along to one of our local youth clubs yesterday to take a few pictures of the kids. The club has only been going for 5 weeks and is held twice a week, (Tuesday & Thursday) and is aimed at 5-15 year olds. Firstly, it's good to get involved with the local community and especially with groups who are looking to raise their profile on a limited budget, (I didn't charge for my time). Secondly, it gets me, as a business, more widely known and hopefully increases my chances of getting new commissions in the future.

Anyway ... A couple of the photographs ...

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A personal trip to Bedford

Yesterday, 31st October 2011, marked the 35th anniversary of the death of my mother. The 21st November will mark the 25th anniversary of my father's death. It's not often I go to the cemetery, probably only about my 3rd or 4th visit in all those years. Took flowers and a couple of photographs and finished off with a walk in the adjoining Bedford Park, a place I was often taken as a child.

For Mum & Dad x x